neděle 28. listopadu 2010

Inspirational One Liners And Love Interesting Word

If you want to get laid, go to college. If you want an education, go to a library. by Frank Zappa One liners

You should go to a pear tree for pears, not to an elm. by Publilius Syrus Qutations

You never find yourself until you face the truth. by Pearl Bailey Sayings

Genius without education is like silver in the mine. by Benjamin Franklin Sentences

It is always easier to believe than to deny. Our minds are naturally affirmative. by John Burroughs

To be proud of learning is the greatest ignorance. by Jeremy Taylor

If you listen to your fears, you will die never knowing what a great person you might have been. by Dr Robert Schuller

By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. by John 1335 Bible

Some people lose their health getting wealth and then lose their wealth gaining health. by Author Unknown

It is men who wait to be selected, and not those who seek, from whom we may expect the most efficient service. by Ulysses S Grant Personal Memoirs of US Grant Chapter 46

I believe in the possibility of miracles but more to the point, I believe in our need for them. by Dean Koontz Fear Nothing Page 4 final paragraph

To know is not less than to feel. by Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr

I believe the first test of a truly great man is his humility. by John Ruskin

The warning message we sent the Russians was a calculated ambiguity that would be clearly understood. by Alexander Meigs Haig

If people did not prefer reaping to sowing, there would not be a hungry person in the land. by Author Unknown

Meaningful Words And Cool Amazing Quote
Wise Motivational Quotations

pátek 19. listopadu 2010

Daily Motivational Quotes And Motivational Quotation

My only hobby is laziness, which naturally rules out all others. by Granni Nazzano Sentences

God is on everyone's side and in the last analysis, he is on the side with plenty of money and large armies. by Jean Anouilh Messages

Dwell not upon thy weariness, thy strength shall be according to the measure of thy desire. by Arab Proverb Quotes

An artist cannot fail it is a success to be one. by Charles Horton Cooley Sentences

Every great advance in natural knowledge has involved the absolute rejection of authority. by Thomas H Huxley

No culture can live, if it attempts to be exclusive. by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd. by Max Lucado

There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread. by Mahatma Ghandi

I do not fear Satan half so much as I fear those who fear him. by Saint Teresa of Avila

The loneliest woman in the world is a woman without a close woman friend. by George Santayana

It is better to give than to lend and it costs about the same. by Polish Proverb

(On Western civilization) I think it would be a good idea. by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

There is nobody so irritating as somebody with less intelligence and more sense than we have. by Don Herold

No more tears now; I will think about revenge. by Mary Queen of Scots

Doctrine is nothing but the skin of truth set up and stuffed. by Henry Ward Beecher

Interesting Famous Phrases And Nice Saying

čtvrtek 18. listopadu 2010

Nice People Quotes And Love Quote

Sex alleviates tension. Love causes it. by Woody Allen Phrases

I exist as I am, that is enough. by Walt Whitman Qutations

He who refuses to obey cannot command. by Kenyan Proverb One liners

If you can't solve it, it's not a problem--it's reality. by Barbara Colorose Messages

I never saw a pessimistic general win a battle. by Dwight D Eisenhower

The greatest challenge to any thinker is stating the problem in a way that will allow a solution. by Bertrand Russell

I never cease being dumbfounded by the unbelievable things people believe by Leo Rosten

If you want your life to be more rewarding, you have to change the way you think. by Oprah Winfrey O Magazine

Brevis esse laboro, obscurus fio.(When I labor to be brief, I become obscure.) by Horace

There is no satisfaction in hanging a man who does not object to it by G B Shaw

Columbus dreamed of an unknown shore at the rim of a far flung sky. by Edgar Albert Guest

Through perseverance many people win success out of what seemed destined to be certain failure. by Benjamin Disraeli

I must be cruel only to be kind;
Thus bad begins, and worse remains behind. by William Shakespeare

No man ever listened himself out of a job. by Calvin Coolidge

It takes less time to do things right than to explain why you did it wrong. by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Good People One Liners And Wise Saying
christmas phrases and sayings

Good Memorable Quotations And Cool Proverb

I envy people who drink. At least they have something to blame everything on. by Oscar Levant Qutations

Gluttony is not a secret vice. by Orson Welles Sayings

Nothing shocks me. I'm a scientist. by Harrison Ford Qutations

The old believe everything, the middle-aged suspect everything, the young know everything. by Oscar Fingall O'Flahertie Wills Wilde Quotes

A happy life consists in tranquillity of mind. by Cicero

When neither their property nor their honor is touched, the marjority of men live content. by Niccolo Machiavelli The Prince

Hell is paved with good Samaritans. by William M Holden

Washington is like a self-sealing tank on a military aircraft. When a bullet passes through, it closes up. by Dean Acheson 1893 1971

Stubbornness is also determination. It's simply a matter of shifting from won't power to will power. by Peter McWilliams

All good things are wild, and free. by Henry David Thoreau

But my dear man, reality is only a Rorschach ink-blot, you know. by Alan B Watts

Instant gratification is not soon enough. by Meryl Streep

It is a mistake to suppose that God is only, or even chiefly, concerned with religion. by Archbishop William Temple 1955

Those who wish to appear wise among fools, among the wise seem foolish. by Quintilian

There are worse things in life than death. Have you ever spent an evening with an insurance salesman? by Woody Allen

Inspirational Men Sayings And Cool Saying
fun christmas sayings