sobota 26. listopadu 2011

Popular Long Quotes And Popular Saying

If you don't change your beliefs, your life will be like this forever. Is that good news by Douglas Noel Adams Quotes

Words without actions are the assassins of idealism. by Herbert Hoover One liners

The evil of the world is made possible by nothing but the sanction you give it. by Ayn Rand Atlas Shrugged 1957 Sayings

A husband is what is left of the lover after the nerve has been extracted. by Helen Rowland Qutations

Stress is an ignorant state. It believes that everything is an emergency. Nothing is that important. by Natalie Goldberg

When life hands us a beutiful bouquet of flowers we stare at it in cautious expectation of a bee. by Dean Koontz Shadow Fires early book

Luck is a tag given by the mediocre to account for the accomplishments of genius. by Robert A Heinlein

I describe in a realistic form a nonrealistic reality. by Fernando Botero Columbian painter and sculptor

Liberal: a power worshipper without power. by George Orwell

One can always be kind to people about whom one cares nothing. by Oscar Wilde

There must be quite a few things a hot bath won't cure, but I don't know many of them. by Sylvia Plath

One dog barks at something, the rest bark at him. by Chinese Proverb

A good idea will keep you awake during the morning, but a great idea will keep you awake during the night. by Marilyn Vos Savant

I never feel age...If you have creative work, you don't have age or time. by Louise Nevelson

You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for instance. by Franklin P Adams

Famous People Sayings And Meaningful Proverb
Sweet Random Quotes

pátek 18. listopadu 2011

Favorite Meaningful Sayings And Romantic People Quote

Every man is the architect of his own fortune. by Appius Claudius Messages

When you hug someone, never be the first to let go. by Unknown Sentences

The only man who never makes a mistake is the man who never does anything. by Theodore Roosevelt Phrases

All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence -- and then success is sure. by Mark Twain Phrases

The limits of my language mean the limits of my world. by Ludwig Wittgenstein Tractatus LogicoPhilosophicus 1922

Good, better, best never let it rest till your good is better and your better is best. by Anon

There is a remedy for all things but death, which will be sure to lay us out flat some time or other. by Miguel de Cervantes

To get the best out of a man go to what is best in him. by Daniel Considine

The price of greatness is responsibility. by Sir Winston Churchill

Quotation, n The act of repeating erroneously the words of another. by Ambrose Bierce

Plan like you will live forever, live like you will die tomorrow. by Unknown

Lead me not into temptation; I can find the way myself. by Rita Mae Brown

No man can know God unless God has taught him that is to say, that without God, God cannot be known. by Iranaeus

Those who don't know how to weep with their whole heart, don't know how to laugh either. by Golda Meir

He who begins many things finishes but few. by Italian Proverb

Daily Nice Messages And Love Men Quote
words sayings

pondělí 14. listopadu 2011

Great Short Phrases And Great Saying

To live as one likes is plebian the noble man aspires to order and law. by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Words

Under conditions of tyranny it is far easer to act than to think. by Hanna Arendt 1906 1975 Words

If ever an error had 'F' written on it, that grounder did. by Jerry Coleman Sentences

The secret to success is to know something nobody else knows. by Aristotle Onassis Messages

Life is something that happens when you can't get to sleep. by Fran Lebowitz

I'll play it first and tell you what it is later. by Miles Davis

An economist is a man who states the obvious in terms of the incomprehensible. by Alfred A Knopf

It is impossible to say just what I mean! by T S Eliot The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock line 105

If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well It were done quickly. by William Shakespeare

A Dream is where a boy can swim in the deepest oceans and fly over the highest clouds. by Joanne K Rowling Harry Potter and the Prisinor of Azkaban Dumbledore

By giving us the opinions of the uneducated, journalism keeps us in touch with the ignorance of the community. by Oscar Wilde

To flee vice is the beginning of virtue, and to have got rid of folly is the beginning of wisdom. by Horace Epistles

What power has law where only money rules. by Gaius Petronius

It's okay if you mess up. You should give yourself a break. by Billy Joel

Life is like a beautiful melody, only the lyrics are messed up. by Unknown

Popular Amazing Proverbs And Inspirational Phrase
nice sweet messages

čtvrtek 10. listopadu 2011

Favorite Popular Quotations And Wise Interesting Saying

The most important thing is to be whatever you are without shame. by Rod Steiger Quotes

If you want to test your memory, try to recall what you were worrying about one year ago today. by Rotarian Quotes

No one is truly literate who cannot read his own heart. by Eric Hoffer Words

We have been friends together in sunshine and in shade. by Caroline Norton Sayings

No man should marry before he has studied anatomy and dissected the body of a woman. by Honore de Balzac

I love freedom for what I can do with it, I hate freedom for what I have done with it. by Christian Longe

The best things in life aren't things. by Art Buchwald

No man ever became wise by chance. by Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Ambition is so powerful a passion in the human breast, that however high we reach we are never satisfied. by Niccolo Machiavelli

Without a struggle, there can be no progress. by Frederick Douglas

I trained for three years at drama school to be an actor - not a celebrity. by Orlando Bloom

Once a new technology rolls over you, if your're not part of the steamroller, you're part of the road. by Stewart Brand

Having the fewest wants, I am nearest to the gods. by Socrates

If you are idle, be not solitary; if you are solitary be not idle. by Samuel Johnson

Do not fear going forward slowly; fear only to stand still. by Chinese Proverb

Wisdom Famous One Liners And Love Short Saying
Positive Sayings - Wise Attitude Sayings

úterý 8. listopadu 2011

Romantic Daily One Liners And Love Daily Proverb

It was never what I wanted to buy that held my heart's hope. It was what I wanted to be. by Lois McMaster Bujold Qutations

I think the American public wants a solemn ass as a President, and I think I'll go along with them. by Calvin Coolidge Qutations

Who will protect the public when the police violate the law by Ramsey Clark Qutations

All proofs rest on premises. by Aristotle Qutations

Most of us become parents long before we have stopped being children. by Mignon McLaughlin

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. by Oscar Fingall O'Flahertie Wills Wilde

Experience consists of experiencing that which one does not wish to experience by quoted by Freud in Jokes and Their Relation To The Unconscience

Hatred may be engendered by good deeds as well as bad ones. by Niccolo Machiavelli The Prince 1513

A promiscuous person is someone who is getting more sex than you are. by Victor Lownes

We must remember that a right lost to one is lost to all. by William Reece Smith Jr

If you want to imagine the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever. by George Orwell 1984

Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime. by Aristotle

Ambition is putting a ladder against the sky. by American Proverb

The significance of a man is not in what he attains, but rather what he longs to attain. by Kahlil Gibran

You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one. by James Froude

Meaningful Long Quotes And Nice Long Quote
romantic famous sentences

sobota 5. listopadu 2011

Great Short Sayings And Love Proverb

If you don't learn to laugh at troubles, you won't have anything to laugh at when you grow old. by Edward W Howe Phrases

Nothing, at last, is sacred; but the integrity of your own mind. by Ralph Waldo Emerson Messages

They talk most who have the least to say. by Matthew Prior Phrases

The dog was created especially for children. He is the God of frolic. by Henry Ward Beecher Quotes

Still round the corner there may wait,
A new road or a secret gate. by J R R Tolkien

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. by Jimi Hendrix

Ideas shape the course of history. by John Maynard Keynes

The truth, as the light, makes blind. by Albert Camus

Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing. by Mother Theresa

[What is the definition of guts?] Grace under pressure. by Ernest Hemingway

A liberal is a person whose interests aren't at stake at the moment. by Willis Player

Politics is the skilled use of blunt objects. by Lester B Pearson

We can learn even from our enemies. by Ovid

Be not ashamed of thy virtues honor's a good brooch to wear in a man's hat at all times. by Ben Jonson

From a fallen tree, all make kindling. by Danish proverb

Great Long Sayings And Love Message
humorous motivational quotes

pátek 4. listopadu 2011

Cute Phrases And Memorable Cute Quotation

Those who do not read are no better off than those who cannot. by Chinese Proverb Qutations

Bad times have a scientific value. These are occasions a good learner would not miss. by Ralph Waldo Emerson Phrases

Of course the game is rigged. Don't let that stop you - if you don't play, you can't win. by Robert A Heinlein Phrases

At any given point of time, you are exactly what you wanted to be. by Vinny Nayak Sayings

When we lose the right to be different, we lose the privilege to be free. by Charles Evans Hughes

The heart is wiser than the intellect. by Unknown

Do the thing you fear most and the death of fear is certain. by Mark Twain

Keep your face to the sun and you will never see the shadows. by Helen Keller

That is the saving grace of humor, if you fail no one is laughing at you. by A Whitney Brown

Blessed is the man who, having nothing to say, abstains from giving us worthy evidence of the fact. by George Eliot

Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional. by Unknown

Leave her to heaven And to those thorns that in her bosom lodge, To prick and sting her. by William Shakespeare

In California everyone goes to a therapist, is a therapist, or is a therapist going to a therapist. by Truman Capote

You couldn't even prove the White House staff sane beyond a reasonable doubt. by Ed Meese

Live to learn... forget... and learn again. by Brian

Nice Messages And Amazing Love Phrase
negative friendship quotes