čtvrtek 29. září 2011

Great Quotations And Famous Interesting Word

I love those who yearn for the impossible. by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Qutations

A kiss is a rosy dot over the 'i' of loving. by Cyrano Savinien de Bergerac One liners

Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public. by H L Mencken Quotes

You are not angry with people when you laugh at them. Humor teaches them tolerance. by W Somerset Maugham Phrases

What is defeat? Nothing but education; nothing but the first step to something better. by Wendell Phillips

Internet is so big, so powerful and pointless that for some people it is a complete substitute for life. by Andrew Brown

Feminism is the radical concept that women are people. by Cheris Kramarae Paula Treichler

Puritanism The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy. by HL Mencken

The size of a man is measured by the size of the thing that makes him angry. by Author Unknown

How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake? by John Kerry Statement on Vietnam before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee April 22 1971

I wish you all the joy you can wish. by William Shakespeare

We two are to ourselves a crowd. by Ovid

In politics, being ridiculous is more damaging than being extreme. by Roy Hattersley

All Bibles are man-made. by Thomas A Edison

The revolution is not a tea party. by Mao Tsetung

Cute Phrases And Cool Daily One Liner

pondělí 26. září 2011

Meaningful Men Quotations And Great Proverb

But then peace, peace I am so mistrustful of it so much afraid that it means a sort of weakness and giving in. by D H Lawrence Qutations

As scarce as truth is, the supply has always been in excess of the demand. by Josh Billings Words

Ozzie makes a leaping, diving stop, shovels to Fernando and everybody drops everything. by Jerry Coleman Qutations

What people say behind your back is your standing in the community. by Edgar Watson Howe Words

It is almost impossible to smile on the outside without feeling better on the inside. by Author Unknown

There is only one terminal dignity -- love. by Helen Hayes

Better beans and bacon in peace than cakes and ale in fear. by Aesop

Giving a man space is like giving a dog a computer: the chances are he will not use it wisely. by BetteJane Raphael

It is necessary to try to surpass oneself always this occupation ought to last as long as life. by Queen Christina

I get a standing ovation jaust standing. by George Burns

One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important. by Bertrand Russell

Every man without passions has within him no principle of action, nor motive to act. by Claude A Helvetius

How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then rest afterward. by Spanish Proverb

The best inheritance a parent can give his children is a few minutes of his time each day. by O A Battista

Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting. by Princess Elizabeth Asquith Bibesco

Motivational Short Words And Good One Liner
wisdom life sayings

sobota 24. září 2011

Great Success Amazing One Liners And Popular Quote

Love is a kind of military service. by Latin Proverb Sayings

If we miraculously became the people we hate, how lovable we would find ourselves. by Author Unknown Sentences

A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is braver five minutes longer. by Ralph Waldo Emerson Words

The sorrow which has no vent in tears may make other organs weep. by Henry Maudsley Sentences

Men in however high a station ought to fear the humble. by Phaedrus

I'll sleep when I'm dead. by Warren Zevon

What would the world do without tea? - how did it exist? I am glad I was not born before tea. by Sydney Smith

The best way to convince a fool that he is wrong is to let him have his own way. by Josh Billings

Nothing you write, if you hope to be good, will ever come out as you first hoped. by Lillian Hellman

There is nothing easier than lopping off heads and nothing harder than developing ideas. by Fyodor Dostoevsky

Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't. by Margaret Hilda Thatcher

A billion here, a billion there, pretty soon it adds up to real money. by Senator Everett Dirksen

A good novel tells you the truth about its hero but a bad novel tells you the truth about its author. by Gilbert Keith Chesterton

If you can believe it, the mind can achieve it. by Ronnie Lott

I am not a glutton - I am an explorer of food. by Erma Bombeck

Famous Short Proverbs And Inspirational Message

Favorite Popular One Liners And Motivational Saying

I usually make up my mind about a man in ten seconds; and I very rarely change it. by Margaret Thatcher Phrases

Envy is the consuming desire to have everybody else as unsuccessful as you are. by Frederick Buechner Wishful Thinking 1973 Sentences

We must always change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves otherwise we harden. by Johann von Goethe Sayings

The dog's kennel is not the place to keep a sausage. by Danish proverb Sentences

There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance. by Socrates

All philosophy lies in two words Sustain and Abstain. by Epictetus

Only your real friends will tell you when your face is dirty. by Sicilian Proverb

When I walk with you I feel as if I had a flower in my buttonhole. by William Makepeace Thackeray

Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard. by HL Mencken

Knowledge is a process of piling up facts wisdom lies in their simplification. by Martin H Fischer

Whenever I get married I start buying
Gourmet Magazine
. by Nora Ephron

Everything a human being wants can be divided into four components love, adventure, power and fame. by Johann von Goethe

Death hangs over thee, While thou still live, while thou may, do good. by Marcus Aelius Aurelius

Physicists like to think that all you have to do is say, these are the conditions, now what happens next? by Richard Feynman

It is easy to take liberty for granted when you have never had it taken from you. by M Grundler

Interesting Motivational Quotes And Popular Saying

pátek 23. září 2011

Great Quotable One Liners And Great Message

We do not hate those we fight; we do not love those we defend. by Unknown Tuskegee Airman motto during World War II Sayings

We seldom attribute common sense except to those who agree with us. by La Rochefoucauld Sayings

When the blind man carries the lame man, both go forward. by Swedish Proverb Qutations

Commitment in the face of conflict produces character. by Unknown Qutations

There is nothing that makes its way more directly to the soul than beauty. by Joseph Addison

The moment of victory is much too short to live for that and nothing else. by Martina Navratilova

O, what a heaven is love, O, what a hell by Thomas Dekker

It is a fine seasoning for joy to think of those we love. by Jean Baptiste Poquelin Molire

Ricky Here's 50 bucks, take this in case I get drunk and call you a bitch later. by Made

What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals. by Zig Ziglar

Egotism -- usually just a case of mistaken nonentity. by Barbara Stanwyck

Nostalgia isn't what it used to be. by Peter De Vries

[Abstract art is] a product of the untalented, sold by the unprincipled to the utterly bewildered. by Al Capp

Cannot find REALITY.SYS...Universe Halted. by Anon

There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. by William Shakespeare Hamlet Act 2 scene 2

Motivational Wisdom Phrases And Wise One Liner
beautiful one liners

úterý 20. září 2011

Popular Amazing Words And Cool Message

If its sanity you are after there is no recipe like laughter. by Henry Elliot Qutations

Nietzsche was stupid and abnormal. by Leo Tolstoy Messages

What is good for the country is good for General Motors and vice versa. by Charles E Wilson Qutations

In the modern world the intelligence of public opinion is the one indispensable condition for social progress. by Charles W Eliot Phrases

Where you start is not as important as where you finish. by Zig Ziglar

A healthy mind in a healthy body. by Juvenal

Love conquers all things; let us too surrender to Love. by Virgil Eclogues

Oh, I don't blame Congress. If I had 600 billion at my disposal, I'd be irresponsible, too. by Lichty and Wagner

There are grammatical errors even in his silence. by Stanislaw Lec

There is no sense in crying over spilt milk. by Sophocles

We would never learn to be patient if there were only joy in the world. by Helen Keller

Genius might well be defined as the ability to makes a platitude sound as though it were an original remark. by L B Walton

Thank God I have done my duty. by Horation Nelson Admiral British Navy dying words

Learning to live what you're born with is the process, the involvement, the making of a life. by Diane Wakoski

Cheerfulness keeps up a kind of daylight in the mind, and fills it with a steady and perpetual serenity. by Joseph Addison

Love Daily Quotations And Inspirational Quotation
nice inspirational messages

pátek 16. září 2011

Popular Quotable Phrases And Nice People Quotation

Every calling is great when greatly pursued. by Oliver Wendell Holmes Messages

All you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be. by Roger Waters Pink Floyd The Dark Side of the Moon Qutations

Odd how much it hurts when a friend moves away- and leaves behind only silence. by Pam Brown Qutations

Living in a vacuum sucks. by Adrienne Gusoff Qutations

In the province of the mind, what one believes to be true either is true or becomes true. by John Lilly

Each of us bears his own Hell. by Virgil Aeneid

The future is much like the present, only longer. by Don Quisenberry

A healthy family is sacred territory. by Unknown

I believe that every right implies a responsibility every opportunity an obligation every possession a duty. by John Davidson Rockefeller Sr

Nonsense and noise will oft prevail, when honour and affection fail. by William Lloyd

Books are not made for furniture, but there is nothing else that so beautifully furnishes a house. by Henry Ward Beecher

Bad spellers of the world, untie! by Graffito

Civilization is a slow process of adopting the ideas of minorities. by Anonymous

Setting a good example for children takes all the fun out of middle age. by William Feather

Let each man pass his days in that wherein his skill is greatest. by Sextus Propertius

Meaningful Favorite Words And Great Amazing Quote
famous leadership sayings & quotations

pondělí 12. září 2011

Romantic Memorable Words And Good Quote

We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey. by Stephen Covey Phrases

None can love freedom heartily but good men the rest love not freedom, but license. by John Milton Qutations

Go and surprise the whole country by doing something right. by Mark Twain Quotes

Passion governs, and she never governs wisely. by Benjamin Franklin In response to the situation of the colonists Qutations

Without tenderness, a man is uninteresting. by Marlene Dietrich

Doubt is part of all religion. All the religious thinkers were doubters. by Isaac Bashevis Singer

We know better than we do. We do not yet possess ourselves. by Ralph Waldo Emerson

The secret of greatness is simple do better work than any other man in your field - and keep on doing it. by Wilfred A Peterson

Man has responsibility, not power. by Tuscarora proverb

Always and never are two words you should always remember never to use. by Wendell Johnson

A fishing rod is a stick with a hook at one end and a fool at the other. by Samuel Johnson

In love of home, the love of country has its rise. by Charles Dickens

God will be present, whether asked or not. by Latin Proverb

The only limits are those of vision. by James Broughton

No matter what happens, there's always somebody who knew it would by Lonny Starr

Romantic Short Messages And Cute Word

sobota 10. září 2011

Long Great Words And Favorite Motivational Quotation

How you lose or keep your hair depends on how wisely you choose your parents. by Edward R Nida Sentences

Growth is the only evidence of life. by John Henry Newman Phrases

Dare to be naive. by Richard Buckminster Fuller One liners

It is sobering to consider that when Mozart was my age he had already been dead for a year. by Tom Lehrer Quotes

A friend is someone who reaches for your hand but touches your heart. by Unknown

The higher the buildings, the lower the morals. by Noel Coward

ARCHITECTURE, n The art of how to waste space. by Philip Johnson

Whom did it benefit. by Longinus Cassius

A little inaccuracy sometimes saves tons of explanation. by Saki

Advertisements... contain the only truths to be relied on in a newspaper. by Thomas Jefferson

If happiness could be brought, few of us could pay the price. by Author Unknown

The whole object of comedy is to be yourself and the closer you get to that, the funnier you will be. by Jerry Seinfeld

An honest tale speeds best, being plainly told. by William Shakespeare

This is the day upon which we are reminded of what we are on the other three hundred and sixty-four. by Mark Twain

The art of living lies in a fine mingling of holding on and letting go. by Havelock Ellis

Quotable Wise Quotes And Men Romantic Message
Good Action Quotations

úterý 6. září 2011

Cool Success Long Sayings And Cute Quote

Join the company of lions rather than assume the lead among foxes. by The Talmud Qutations

An intellectual hate is the worst. by William Butler Yeats Words

In the truest sense, freedom cannot be bestowed it must be achieved. by Franklin D Roosevelt Messages

Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. by Philip K Dick Phrases

Until he extends his circle of compassion to include all living things, man will not himself find peace. by Albert Schweitzer

The miracle is this--the more we share, the more we have. by Leonard Nimoy

When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading. by Henny Youngman

The best cure for Christianity is reading the Bible. by Mark Twain

The best mirror is an old friend. by George Herbert

The weightiest end of the cross of Christ that is laid upon you, lieth upon your strong Savior. by Samual Rutherford

I always admired atheists. I think it takes a lot of faith. by Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider Northern Exposure Seoul Mates 1991

Having been poor is no shame, but being ashamed of it, is. by Benjamin Franklin

A lawyer starts life giving 0 worth of law for and ends giving worth for 0. by Benjamin H Brewster

When you cease to dream you cease to live. by Malcolm Stevenson Forbes

The speciality of the future is generalism. by Wayne Van Dyck

Meaningful Amazing Words And Cute Proverb
goodnight quote

pondělí 5. září 2011

Daily Famous Sayings And Amazing Romantic Word

People talk fundamentals and superlatives and then make some changes of detail. by Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr One liners

He who has been bitten by a snake fears a piece of string. by Persian Proverb Quotes

People far prefer happiness to wisdom, but that is like wanting to be immortal without getting older. by Sydney Harris One liners

First you imitate, then you innovate. by Miles Davis Sentences

Sure, luck means a lot in football. Not having a good quarterback is bad luck. by Don Schula

I don't care what anybody says about me as long as it isn't true. by Truman Capote

People who have no weaknesses are terrible; there is no way of taking advantage of them. by Anatole France The Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard

I have a very strong feeling that the opposite of love is not hate -- it's apathy. by Dr

A diet is when you watch what you eat and wish you could eat what you watch. by Hermione Gingold from a press report 1973

It sometimes seems that we have only to solve a thing greatly to get it. by Robert Collier

Tax reform means, 'Don't tax you, don't tax me. Tax that fellow behind the tree.' by Russell Long

I see God in every human being. by Mother Theresa

Some people will never learn anything, for this reason, because they understand everything too soon. by Alexander Pope

Don't hold on to anything too tightly sooner or later, you'll have to let go. by David Nestor

In an optimal world, I would not be necessary. by James Price Salsman

Memorable Nice Quotations And Interesting Inspirational Quote

sobota 3. září 2011

Love Short Messages And Famous Proverb

Innocence dwells with Wisdom, but never with Ignorance. by William Blake Phrases

Like swift water an active mind never stagnates. by Author Unknown Phrases

I dwell in possibility. by Emily Elizabeth Dickinson Qutations

Thinking to get at once all the gold the goose could give, he killed it and opened it only to find - nothing. by Aesop The Goose with the Golden Eggs Sayings

Spirit is the real and eternal matter is the unreal and temporal. by Mary Baker Eddy

To the pure, all things are pure. by Arabic Proverb

Every time I paint a portrait I lose a friend. by John Singer Sargent quoted in Bentley and Esar Treasury of Humorous Quotations 1951

The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppose. by Frederick Douglass

Never exaggerate your faults. Your friends will attend to that. by Francis Bacon

That which is done out of love always takes place beyond good and evil. by Friedrich Nietzsche

The bravest thing that men do is love women. by Mort Sahl

Everything is something I decide to do, and there is nothing I have to do. by Denis Waitley

The essence of knowledge is, having it, to apply it not having it, to confess your ignorance. by Confucius

Sometimes you have to play for a long time to be able to play like yourself. by Miles Davis

Buy on the rumor sell on the news. by Wall Street Proverb

Meaningful Interesting Words And Great Quotation
life quotes graduation